*Christina Grimmie voice* Hey guys!
So, I decided, that with school starting and such, I can't blog as often. I have been contemplating whether or not to blog every other night, and I think that's what I'm going to end up doing. (Because school starts the day after tomorrow.) I alwaysalwaysalways ask myself "What should I blog about tonight?" Truthfully, my life isn't super interesting, and I'm just good at talking it up. Plus, I'm sure no one wants to read about me sweeping at work, or the different editions of the same thoughts time and time again. So, I think this will also make for better reading material.
Tonight, I can tell you a little bit about my day. (I hope this all makes sense in the end.) Well, like we all knew we would, I talked to that pothead boy and came to find out some interesting things. (Stop shaking your head.) He's nineteen, (he's got pretty blue eyes, shh), he has a bunch of pointless tattoos (an idea that I disagree with strongly), and he's actually been to the penitentiary. (Yeah, you all may shake your heads now. Truthfully, I want to know how I even come across these people in the first place, or why God even thinks it necessary to put them in my path.)
Aside from that, he is a total and complete wangster. Oh, you're not privy to the lingo? It means "white-gangster."
The thing about this kid? I can tell he wasn't raised to be how he is. His younger brother is completely respectful and kind. The "proper" comes out in his voice all the time. He even LOOKS like a down-home country boy under all of those tattoos and baggy clothes. He started college. He went to trade school. He has field-specific certifications. So, why? Why would you want to throw away the chance at having a successful career and a family for a few funny stories and some wild times when you're young? Maybe that's why I'm such a square. (I definitely think for the future.) So what about when tomorrow finally does come and you realize you were never married and your house isn't a home, and every day is a struggle? What happens when you realize you aren't where you want to be because you were too busy "being young"?
I'm seventeen. I'm a kid. I don't party, do drugs, go anywhere I'm not supposed to, or lie to my mother, but I guarantee you I have loads of fun and I'm happy at the end of every day. If I can do that now, I think I'd make an extraordinary adult (and maybe a strict mother). It isn't hard.
I just don't get it. Why throw the remainder of your life away?
This was more of a rant than anything else,
Cayla xx
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